To work as or to become a professional Security Guard within the United Kingdom you must be licensed by the Security Industry Authority (SIA). Without this official licence it is illegal to work in any capacity as a security guard/operative, apart from those wishing to work in house or directly employed by a client. It’s a simple enough process to obtaining your licence, you just need to complete a training course with an SIA recognised/accredited training provider, and then once you have passed the course you can simply apply for your licence and pay a fee of around £220 (this renews every 3 years).
Providing that you meet all of the strict licensing requirements you will receive your SIA licence badge within a few weeks of passing your course and then you should be ready to start your future in the security industry.
The Main Role of a Security Guard or Security Operative
Security or Manned guarding, is portrayed by the SIA as action including any of the accompanying; guarding premises against unapproved access or occupation, against episodes of confusion or against harm; guarding property against devastation or harm, against being stolen or against being generally insincerely taken or gotten; guarding at least one people against attack or against wounds that may be endured in outcome of the unlawful lead of others.
As should be obvious over a security watch is fundamentally there to shield property and the general population inside from criminal harm as well as damage. They can likewise play out a loose type of observation. An example of this would be to screen customers in a bustling shopping centre or mall, or circumspectly following a suspected shoplifter. You should have the capacity to keep calm and controlled in possibly unpleasant circumstances and whilst under pressure. In times of emergency, such as building fires etc, people will turn to you for guidance on the best possible way out of danger. And although it is one of the first rungs on the career ladder of the security industry, it can often carry a great deal of responsibility.
Getting Your SIA Security License
The principal activity regardless of anything else is check your qualification to acquire a SIA permit. Time and time again people fail to check personal eligibility for a security guard licence and then once they have passed their training course and upon paying the licence fee they’re declined for a failed criminal record check or something of that nature. Not only do they lose their licence fees, but they’ve also esentially paid for training that cannot be practically used. Before you even think about applying for any type of professional training within the security industry that you should always make sure to check your eligibility using the SIA Criminal Record Indicator. Other key points to be considered are:
- You should be more than 18+ years of age
- You should be qualified to work in the United Kingdom
- Long working hours (a run of the mill security watch is roughly 12 hours)
- Can be a very desolate activity
- Pay can change between the lowest pay permitted by law and £15 every hour (albeit most Security Guarding occupations pay at the lower end of this scale)
- You are normally required to have a suitable level of general fitness
Once you’ve eventually decided on which Security Company to use you’ll be taken through at least 24+ hours of learning about what the job role entails. The three main topics you’ll begin to study in more detail are;
- Working in the Private Security Industry
- Working as a Security Guard
- Conflict Management for the Private Security Industry
At the end of the course you will sit an exam and upon passing you’ll be eligible for your SIA Licence. To apply for this you simply request an application pack from their number or from their website here, not forgetting that there is a £220 non-refundable fee. You can also get more information from their free ‘Get Licensed’ pdf download. The licensing period generally now lasts a few weeks from application to receiving your SIA Licence in the mail, however there have been considerable delays at times of a few months so just be aware of this before applying. Once you have your SIA licence you are then free to start trying to find a suitable Security Company to work for.
A point to note and something to consider is that Security Guarding duties can also be carried out by licensed Door Supervisors. I would therefore recommend to anyone that is considering working both as a Door Supervisor and Security Guard to complete the Door Supervisors course first, as this will save you from having to do two courses and pay for two licenses.